The NIOA newsletter categories.
Submitted by cwilliams on Sun, 02/09/2025 - 21:55
Submitted by cwilliams on Sat, 02/01/2025 - 21:50
The Northern Indiana Operators Association
Welcome to the 2025 Northern Indiana Operators Association! A big thank you to all members for their support over the years. If you are a former member, please give us another try.
We are excited to announce that we have several new board members:
President – Tim Woodward
Treasurer – Mike Franke
Recorder – Matt Cunningham
IWEA Representative – Jeff Krotke
Newsletter – Craig Williams
Tour/Presenter – Zach Crouse
Submitted by cwilliams on Fri, 11/22/2024 - 22:35
NIOA Christmas Training and Lunch.
Come join us at the Dal-Mar Banquet Hall in Nappanee for the annual Christmas luncheon and training in Nappanee on December 11th. Doors will open at 10, presentation will begin at 10;30, lunch will be served around 12:30 with the annual business meeting and prizes to follow. RSVP for lunch by 3 PM on Dec. 9th. RSVP here.
Submitted by cwilliams on Mon, 11/11/2024 - 10:40
Good morning, Friends oft he NIOA!
Short notice to announce the Nov. 13th NIOA meeting to be held at the Kendallville WWTP, 501 W. Wayne St. starting at 10:30a.
PLEASE RSVP here by the end of the day today if you plan to attend. Thank you!
Submitted by cwilliams on Thu, 10/03/2024 - 11:22
Short & quick newsletter to advise members that there will not be an October meeting. We are looking for a host for the November meeting. Please reach out to the NIOA if you are willing to host the November meeting. We will be in Nappanee in December for the Annual Christmas Training. Hope to see you all soon!
Submitted by cwilliams on Mon, 08/26/2024 - 15:05
NIOA Golf Outing 2024
See attached flyer & registration forms -
Northern Indiana Operators Association’s 17th annual Golf Outing is September 11, 2022. The location for this year’s event is Black Squirrel Golf Course,
1017 Larimer Dr. Goshen, Indiana 46526
Submitted by cwilliams on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 14:37
Good afternoon, friends of the NIOA -
Submitted by cwilliams on Sun, 06/30/2024 - 23:09
The NIOA Training & Events
Submitted by cwilliams on Mon, 06/03/2024 - 23:19
The NIOA Training & Events
Submitted by cwilliams on Mon, 04/29/2024 - 21:08
Time to Fire the Editor!!! Correction on date and location of the May NIOA Training in Bremen below...