Cerification Training

Good Morning Everyone,

   I hope everyone had some good quality time with the family over the Holiday's?  I'm sending this newsletter out hoping to see who would be interested in taking part in another Certification Training class taught by Barb Smith?  I have already had some interest, but in order to keep costs down the more people we have the better it is for everyone.  It would be a two day class held here in Warsaw at our WWTU.  Last years class netted some very good results for those that ended up taking the certification test.  I will need to know who is interested by no later than January 18th, 2013 so we can get the ball a rolling on setting this class up.  Cost will be determined again on how many we can get signed up for this class.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have.  Also, if you have questions concerning upcoming meetings please contact Debbie Crain, our Secretary / Treasurer, as she will be the contact for the presenters and hosts.  Please continue to RSVP for monthly meetings too, it helps us get proper amount of lunches for the meetings.
Thanks and have a great day,
NIOA President 

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